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Why talking about a "project"? I already have a site, so why I have to do it again?

This kind of questions are legitimate, but our answer is usually that a site does not last forever. The speed of internet evolution makes a web site obsolete or old. For example a few years ago a site had an average life of 3/5 years, now does not exceed 3 years. It is very important to update your website. A website is a continuous investment, is evolving with your business, is an essential part of your communication tools, because it is the most direct and the fastest too.

What does it mean to index a site?

It means being present on search engines and competing with all other sites responding to similar user searches.

What is the difference between positioning and indexing?

Through optimization techniques, indexing allows presence on the search engines, positioning takes place with a qualified presence, that is, in the relevant positions, the first three pages of the results. In practice, if the site is built according to very precise rules (some of which will change continuously), search engines will consider your site to be among the first.

I would like a website that costs as little as possible. What is the minimum I can spend?

This is the most common question at all. Being aware of the business economy is very important, but you have to be careful to give the right value to things based on their real importance. I always make the example of when you buy a car in a dealership: we can also make 3/4 dealerships to find the best price but what makes us choose is trust in the dealer, the certainty of professional and continuous care.

What is SEO?

“Search Engine Optimizer” rules the basics of search engines and their operation by implementing those strategies that allow sites to climb rankings in search engines, increasing the probability that users can find them. The focus is on site elements (content, code, site linkage), and site relationships with other realities on the internet.

What is copywriting and how important are texts?

A site does not live olny with images, colors and effects. To complete the picture is useful and it is also necessary to study original and unique content. The search engines are, in fact, particularly attentive to the content of a site. Texts, news, announcements, ads must be made with care to have a good rating from Google, Yahoo, Bing and, above all, to engage and fidelize the end user.

Can't we just do the site now and the advertising campaign it later?

Web marketing includes managing pay-per-click campaigns, but it’s only one of the many tools available. It means being able to get in touch with people, it’s not an accessory aspect, it’s the one that makes sense to your site and that makes the difference between your company and the sea of ​​companies in the network.

Motor visibility is secondary to having an empty shop in the middle of nowhere rather than one full of people in the city center. The site must be built to meet people, make new relationships, reach marketing goals. You can not think of these things afterwards. Rather consider the opportunity to spend little at first and grow the site over time, but do not see these activities as separate or collateral.

My company already has a site and I do not want to do it again: can it be simply re-positioned?

Yes, it could be in practice, but it depends on the starting point and on the results you want to get.

You do not need to rebuild a site for search engines, and positioning does not affect the site’s graphic appearance.
On existing sites, the optimization activities focus on the part of the code that constitutes the page, but the end user does not see it. Then you work out of the site, to promote and build “link popularity”. So if your business already has a site, you can improve its positioning sensibly without re-using it using a variety of techniques and tools to make it visible to as many potential customers as possible.
It should be noted, however, that other aspects, such as content and its organization, play a key role for good positioning.

I have a Flash company site: is it true that can not be positioned on search engines?

At the moment, search engines find it difficult to position the content of sites made with Flash technology. So, Flash sites are penalized in search engine rankings compared to sites created in html. However, it’s possible to make Flash content visible by creating parallel pages to be submitted to search engines for placement.

How soon my site will be on search engines?

Each search engine has timelines and refresh criterias for its different databases. From putting online an Internet site to achieving significant traffic results, it may take several months. However generally, if the site is well-built it takes at least a couple of months to see the first results.

How long is a site placed in the top positions on the search engines?

Keeping the positions on the search engine depends on site optimization and Seo activity. Updating keywords, content and site structure will help improve and maintain the positioning achieved. Basically, an up-to-date site always keeps good results.